Persian empire military strategy

Persian empire military strategy

Posted: Gudvin On: 02.06.2017

Welcome to the Historum - History Forums.

Please login or register for a new account. Need help with the website? Blogs Recent Entries Best Entries Best Blogs Blog List Search Blogs. Community Links Social Groups. October 13th, , How was the organization and tactics of the Persian army of the Achaemenid Empire? The Persian Empire I believe at its height was 50 million about the same as the later Roman Empire.

So I highly doubt they could draw massive field armies like a million troops for a total army group. Their troops were drawn from all the Empire right? Their infantry was mainly armed with Wicker shields and spears and Compostite bow. Their cavalry was native and foreign satrap allies? What made the Persians so ineffective against the Greeks? What were total invasion numbers the Greece? As the total invasion army group being 1 million is highly unlikely.

Greco-Persian Wars - Crystalinks

Even , troops at Thermopayle seems unbelievable. What was their strategy, grand strategy like? I know many of Xerxes' army starved to death and died of disease due to their logisticical restraints. What was their naval size-army size ratio for Xerxes' invasion?

Like how many troops would be on ships compared to land? October 14th, , There are actually quite a large number of excellent reference works out there dealing with the very sort of questions you are asking. A few of the more specifically focused ones include: Armies of the Greek and Persian Wars to B. Nelson, Dallas, , The Achaemenid Persian Army D. Head, Stockport, , The Persian Army BC N. Sekunda, London, , Thermopylae BC, Last Stand of the especially the section "Opposing Armies" on p.

Frank Denneman

Fields, London, , and Shadows in the Desert, Ancient Persia at War K. In addition, most of the more general works dealing with the "Persian Wars" usually include useful data on the Achaemenid military of that era I'd be glad to provide some of those as well if you want. On the other hand, if your interest lies more in finding some general discussion by our community around these topics, there has been a lot of that to date on other Historium threads.

Most recently in my own experience, some of these subjects have seen discussion on the currently active thread dealing with Thermopylae , where things like the size of the Persian army of Xerxes, Achaemenid military organization, and specific combat tactics in the multliple engagements that constitute that battle have been hashed out quite a bit by participants having a fairly wide range of opinions.

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persian empire military strategy

Persian Army Achaemenid organization and tactics? Ancient History Ancient History Forum - Greece, Rome, Carthage, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and all other civilizations of antiquity, to include Prehistory and Archaeology discussions. Some Good References on the Achaemenid Military There are actually quite a large number of excellent reference works out there dealing with the very sort of questions you are asking.

The Immortals: An elite army of the Persian Empire that never grew weak | Ancient Origins

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