Automated stock trading api

Automated stock trading api

Posted: Umnik On: 12.06.2017

I have a trading account in Interactive Brokers, and I know some non-official Python libraries such as ibPy and swigPy that are an interface to the Java API and are not officially supported. Inspired by Which brokers offer a.

NET stock trading API? This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site , so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions here.

This question and its answers are frozen and cannot be changed. I know of no broker that provides an official, supported Python API.


If you are at Interactive Brokers you can consider using their FIX gateway, but that comes with additional cost. QuickFix provides a Python API. TradeStation offers python support via their WebAPI.

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Check it out here: It's all in Python. You can backtest and paper trade your algo for free. We do live trading by hooking your algorithm to your Interactive Brokers account.

automated stock trading api

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automated stock trading api

Quantitative Finance Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for finance professionals and academics. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Which brokers offer a Python stock trading API? I would like to automate my trading strategies. My strategies are not high-frequency and are written in Python.

Is there another broker that has a better stock trading API for Python?

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